Forums - CvS2: **Terry**. I think terry is going to be the next top tier. Post what you think. Show all 56 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- CvS2: **Terry**. I think terry is going to be the next top tier. Post what you think. ( Posted by SacTown_Boi on 02:27:2002 02:59 AM: CvS2: **Terry**. I think terry is going to be the next top tier. Post what you think. I got bored and posted this tread up. It seems that lots of folks are starting to use terry, why? because he has the best moves in this game and the easiest and best combos in this game.(my opinion)Ex: After level one special, there are many things you can do, I bust out his "charge down & up fp". It has great damage. Just tell me something about terry and I'll reply about it. I can help you with some questions that bother you about him also. Peace out. Posted by SSF2T on 02:27:2002 04:15 AM: Terry is crap. And Terry will always be crap in this game. He has an easy combo into super, yes. But other than that, he's crap. He was some what decent in CvS, but not in this one. His PowerDunk loses to everything, same goes with RisingTackle. PowerWave is almost as slow as Yagami's whatchamacallit, and CrackShoot/Shot, can be uppercuted out of like nothing. The only decent attack he has is BurnKnuckle. It can combo into, w/o much trouble, nor leaving you in the open, if it hits. And it can catch people off guard. Sorry to say it again, but Terry Bogard, in this game is CRAP! Oh yeah, the other good thing about him, is that CC he can do... that's about all the good things I can say about him. Posted by neroiscariot on 02:27:2002 04:32 AM: if terry is going to be TT what are some good presure tatcis you could use with him...can he even rushdown? Posted by SilverGear on 02:27:2002 04:54 AM: While I use Terry and think he's very good , I honestly don't think he's Top Tier material, I'd say he's more Tier 1.5 / Tier 2 material. As you all know he can no longer do rush-down like his CvS1 days but he still has a decent rush game in CvS2, you just have to put more though into it. I honestly think he works best in N/K Groove but that's just my opinion. The Power Dunk while toned down isn't worthless like some suggest, it still works wonders in the "Psychic Dragon Punch" Department if you ask me. His Supers are so-so....Power Geyser isn't as good as it used to be in CvS1 and is only worthwhile in my opinion if comboed into after a close Standing Fierce. Buster wolf is okay....It's real nice to see that you can connect a Burn Knuckle after a Level 3 Buster Wolf , plus it blows through alot of things if timed correctly. That's all I really have to say about him. He requires smart rush down and patience to use properly. And can be a real monster to go against at times, but I still doubt he has Top Tier properties. He works for me and that's all the really matters, I guess. Posted by Mummy-B on 02:27:2002 04:58 AM: SSFT2, you just don't know how to play Terry. That's all there is to it. If that's all you have to say about him, then you obviously don't know anything about him. If you say his only good attacks are Burn Knuckle and his CC, you should go back to your DC and keep training. The only real things Terry has lost is the ridiculous priority on Power Dunk and his ridiculous roll speed, which apparently Iori has picked up. Terry's only real defisate is the lack of a solid anti-air/wake up move outside of Level 2+ supers. Terry is essentially an all pressure character. His crouching fierce kick would be perfect if it was cancellable into a special or a super, which killed him in CvS against EX Balrog - but other than that it's Cammy standing fierce kick with knockdown properties. Posted by Sie Kensou on 02:27:2002 08:14 AM: Nihao!!! Another thing bout Terry is that he's crouchin Fierce punch is good aswell. It's the closed thing u can get 2 Sagat's Crouchin fierce. U use it the same way, the priority of Terry's down Fierce is good. My Blanka lost 2 Terry cuz he did down Fierce a lot, just like usin it like Sagat in other words. Also another thing with Terry is that if ur in an SNK groove or in P-groove, small jump Roundhouse is so good with him it's almost hard 2 AA that. I was messin around with it, dam it's really good. Anyways, just wanna share my experiences with Terry. Also as Mummy-B said, Terry's sweep is good aswell!!! Anyways, i guess that's all 4 me right now. Cheers!! Kensou Posted by TrueNewbiePR on 02:27:2002 01:34 PM: mummy-b knows what hes talking about then cause terryis top tier for me and he also can rushdown in n groove and k groove and i owned ryu sagat characters and theyre easy to beat their rushdown cause terry is like kyo they have too much priority so terry is a good character and is top tier for me Posted by loki on 02:27:2002 02:41 PM: IMO Terry has it to be TT already 'cause he has one of the best rolls, a FB (its ground, but still good) the crack shoot, godd AA and good combos. whats really funny though is when terry starts rolling back and forth through you, it's scarry as hell? but, all you have to do is throw and they are caught. joe tomasine Posted by SacTown_Boi on 02:27:2002 03:40 PM: Yea, I was right that some people think like me think Terry made be the next top tier. He has good combo connectings. Ex:, level 1 kick special, power in or power wave. It takes alot of damage. He seems to be a rush down guy also, great rolls and his attack speeds are great. One question though. His standing fierce punch, how can that be combo into without jumpin in and attack it into it. His c.jabs doesn't connect to it, does anyone have a clue? Posted by snk dude on 02:27:2002 05:39 PM: One thing I ve done with Terry that is weird and hard to do was I comboed a C.Fp,+ C. Roundhouse. But I know as a meaty I always combo C.strong punch x2 then Lk crack shoot. Posted by QUITESSENCE on 02:27:2002 05:48 PM: I think that Terry is a very good character in the right hands. His rushdown is good,he has great pokes, and his roll is still pretty fast. However he still has his mismatches.Against a good Blanka player Terry has real hard uphill battle.While Terry's c.fierce is good it can't counter blanka's pokes like Sagat's, especially the c.fierce and the amazon river run.Also, unless you have a running groove Terry will have a hard time countering attacks like the blanka ball since all of Terry's attacks are too slow to punish it. Maybe we could use this thread to come up w/solutions to play our very best and make the "Hungry Wolf" the best in CVS2.Anyway these are the people that give Terry the most trouble in my opinion.Sagat, Blanka, Chun-li, Vega, Shotos, Rock,& Hibiki. Posted by Kaiogotenks on 02:27:2002 06:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by QUITESSENCE I think that Terry is a very good character in the right hands. His rushdown is good,he has great pokes, and his roll is still pretty fast. However he still has his mismatches.Against a good Blanka player Terry has real hard uphill battle.While Terry's c.fierce is good it can't counter blanka's pokes like Sagat's, especially the c.fierce and the amazon river run.Also, unless you have a running groove Terry will have a hard time countering attacks like the blanka ball since all of Terry's attacks are too slow to punish it. Maybe we could use this thread to come up w/solutions to play our very best and make the "Hungry Wolf" the best in CVS2.Anyway these are the people that give Terry the most trouble in my opinion.Sagat, Blanka, Chun-li, Vega, Shotos, Rock,& Hibiki. Terry OWNS Hibiki!!! RC Jab Burning Knuckle at poke distance and she can't do anything. Posted by Vigorous on 02:27:2002 07:05 PM: I don't think he's TOP tier material. The cool thing about him is that he's good in all grooves. Posted by Urotsukidoji on 02:27:2002 07:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Kaiogotenks Terry OWNS Hibiki!!! RC Jab Burning Knuckle at poke distance and she can't do anything. Dude, this is true for any character(and why can't she jump?). Posted by Orochi Pickle on 02:27:2002 07:40 PM: I think terry is good of course i played with him a little and he didn't loose much at all. the only thing that he really lost i think is the powerdunk strength other then that it is basically the same, like mummy said. His roll still isn't that slow catches me off gaurd a lot still. he still has that annoying sweep man had i hoped they would have toned that down a little. But it is still fast and comes out of no where. His super connectors mean serious damage. his medium kick like most characters is really good and has long reach. Good pressure with his jab knuckle, and standing roundhouse, mk, n stuff. So he hasn't lost much and he is still good i just don't think TT. Tier 1.5 is about all i can give him. Jesus loves you all and is just a prayer away. -Pickledude- Posted by SSF2T on 02:28:2002 12:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mummy-B SSFT2, you just don't know how to play Terry. That's all there is to it. If that's all you have to say about him, then you obviously don't know anything about him. If you say his only good attacks are Burn Knuckle and his CC, you should go back to your DC and keep training. The only real things Terry has lost is the ridiculous priority on Power Dunk and his ridiculous roll speed, which apparently Iori has picked up. Terry's only real defisate is the lack of a solid anti-air/wake up move outside of Level 2+ supers. Terry is essentially an all pressure character. His crouching fierce kick would be perfect if it was cancellable into a special or a super, which killed him in CvS against EX Balrog - but other than that it's Cammy standing fierce kick with knockdown properties. Ok... to remember my name, think of Super Turbo, but everyone makes mistakes, so... anyways... My DC won't help me, if I keep beating on the CPU, and such. Anyways, Comp. isn't to bad where I live. I've rarely every play anyone who used Terry. Though when I did. I taught him a very good lesson. Terry is CRAP! My best character Ryo. He doesn't much going for him, but he's still ok. Terry learned a horrible lesson. This guys beats my Dan, oh yeah, I'm in A-Groove, and they(his brother, and him) in C. So he beats my Dan, because Dan had problems against Kim, two hits and he's out. Ryo comes in. Duck, he thinks that I'm stupid or something, so he CrackShoot/Shots at me. I uppercut, he does it two more times, and finally figures out that he can't beat me. So he goes into the rolling method. Caught me once, because I was trying to be fancy. So I decided to just go back to ducking there. He comes up to do the the rolling method some more. I d.Jab the crap out of him until he died. Of course he doesn't understand that when you roll, you must recover. That's not even the end. I play some more, and I get a OCV with Dan... off a R1-Kim, and R3-Ryu... ... There was more to the story, but I think I'll stop there... Posted by Fabio on 02:28:2002 12:44 AM: N-groove Terry is the shit. jp power wave = mucho mind games. crack shoot is pretty good, the lk Fabio means. Rolls are great. Dunks suck. Tackles suck. jp into c.fp fp into anything. Just awesome. Amen to Terry/Geese/Rock. The beautiful combination of Father/Foster Father/Son. Posted by peetah on 02:28:2002 03:15 AM: Terry is quite a bit worse than CvS1... roll, power dunk both toned down... not sure if many of you have noticed it but his godly sweep is not as godly as it once was... if you're thinking CvS2 Terry has a godly sweep... try some CvS1 again... it was THAT fast... Top tier? Ummm... in which groove? In A groove, he's sure to be a contender... his sweep makes a nasty ground starting CC... particularly easy to punish mistakes... and he's got an anti-air startup too... couple that with filling your CC with burn knuckles that will take you to the corner, for that super, and fierce rising tackle follow up... you got damage on your hands with 20 odd oppurtunities in the average match to bust out the CC... He's fun in other grooves too... especially if you arcade pumps the speed up to 5, and you can start messing around with his rushdown patterns... dash sweep! dash back, crack shoot... dash back, dash forward, roll jab rising tackle! roll roll roll throw! muahahaha... Posted by hyt on 02:28:2002 03:25 AM: Hey peetah, how's it going over in HK? I hope you enjoy playing the speed 5 players over in Causeway Bay. Too bad I didn't get a chance to play you guys over the Xmas hols. You would probably rush me down like Magneto on crack! Anyways, yea so his sweep isn't godly like before (like I ever knew how fast it was in CvS). But it's still a good sweep and useful for his mindgames (CC or parry). I don't think Terry is top tier. IMHO the tiers are Blanka Sagat and then everyone else. The game is "balanced" enough so that everyone has a chance. Anyways... Yes, fear Terry rushdown and CCs to punish mistakes. He feels so much more powerful in A-Groove and is only second to few. I personally don't like following up the HP Rising Tackle with the CC. Maybe I'm just greedy and feel like a better threat by saving the meter (comparing 6500 dmg to 7900+ dmg later). c.MK is slower than most MKs I think and it actually has less range than the c.HK. However, it normal and super cancels so you can play footsie to close in from a distance. It's also evil to catch someone with that and get a free Buster Wolf => Followup. Posted by TheWholeFnShow on 02:28:2002 06:54 AM: I like doing 3 crouching shorts followed by a standing short. So simple, yet effective and annoying. I'm still angry over his weakened Power Dunk. But on the plus side, he got his powerwave and his rising tackle back. And he can combo his burning knuckle after doing a buster wolf. What's Terry's A-groove combo. I've fiddled around with him but can't get any good, practical CC. Any help would be great. I don't even play A-groove. I just like Terry. Posted by BoBO tHE sTrANgE on 02:28:2002 06:58 AM: I know this is easier said than done but roll RCing helps terry enough to push him to top tier. I have my DP RC's at around 50% right now, when I do them out of the blue to counter pokes n such it makes him top tier(when im having a good day) with that alone. The RCed crack shoot and burn knuckle make his presure routines solid. I think in time he will move into top tier especially in A groove. Posted by Ryu_311Funk on 02:28:2002 07:01 AM: I play Terry in N groove and I have very good success with him. What I like to do when they are full screen away just do a jab powerwave then run after it and do a sweep, it's pretty effective and it gets you in close to get the XX buster wolf combo off. His Jab raising tackle is pretty good IMO sure it doesnt have super prioroty but it's pretty good. I started using it and it's giving me some success. Small Jump HK is also very good I get a lot of people with that and if you break a stock and hit with the small jump hk *gotta be close enough though* You can cancel the smalljump lag with a lvl3 buster wolf and combo it into a power geyser for some massive damage. He also has a simple trap, of c.lkXXlk crackshoot which he can be hit out of eventually but it's just to keep the opponent at bay for a second so you can think of your next attack. Also his standing fp has a lot of priority and can be comboed into a super i tend to use it a quite a bit as a meaty attack, but it can sill be uppercutted and lvl 3'ed ofcourse. I still havent tried a-groove terry but im trying to learn his CC which I almost got down. Right now I think he is kinda like the Iron Man of CvS2 not sucky but not top tier either. Posted by Battousai on 02:28:2002 07:40 AM: Hi... I'm a newbie, but terry is one of my main characters. I'm not sure that Terry's top tier, but I do think that he's pretty good. I find that the rush down is not that great, but his zoning game is really good. Well I find that it works pretty well for me at least. Simple's, cr. jabs, powerwaves and crackshoots seem to keep opponents grounded. I don't use the powerdunk cause I always get eaten. I just wish that he had a simple anti-air like a nice standing roundhouse. I also think that his j.fp, s.fp (2 hits), busterwolf (level 2) and powergeyser (level 1) is a pretty damaging combo. It's simple and works anywhere on the screen. And if you don't have enough meter, a simple Jumping roundhouse hits pretty well too anywhere on the screen. I do find that I have trouble with Rock, Haomaru, Blanka and Sim. I use terry in N and C grooves, i've been trying to use him in A groove, but i couldn't do a custom combo if my life depended on it. if anyone could help me, it would be awesome. Posted by Rugal 3:16 on 02:28:2002 07:47 AM: Well HOW DO YOU THINK TERRY MATCHES UP WITH THE SHOTOS.. ESPECIALLY RYU ??? as of what I've seen and whom I've fought against (using Terry) he can take Ken and Akuma but Ryu completely destroys him. Posted by Dasrik on 02:28:2002 08:39 AM: SSF2T: I don't know what's funnier, that you thought that one isolated anecdote was enough reason to think that Terry is crap, or that you think that we'll think the same. Posted by SSF2T on 02:28:2002 09:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik SSF2T: I don't know what's funnier, that you thought that one isolated anecdote was enough reason to think that Terry is crap, or that you think that we'll think the same. I don't know. Because I'm not laughing... so I think it's you guys you are supposed to choose. And those were funny things. Man, if you get off on that, I have plenty more to tell. Now back on topic. In CvS, Terry had some invincibility during PD, which made him scary to jump at. But that he's lost it, you have to rely on RC to help, and making a mistake will cost you dearly. Like Mummy-B said, he has no AA to help him, as a getup. And Reversal don't last that long, so you will trade, if timed correctly. And during a pressure battle, you don't have time to think about RCing. And most likely, you will be fighting a Blanka. Which is one of Terry's worst enemy. You can't jump at him, because you have bad light attacks, you can shoot at him. All you have left to do is turtle, but you have short little limbs, so you have to keep a certain range, and try to out punch him, so as soon as you are cornered, you have to take a block, just so he can be knocked bad. And what Rugal 3:16 says is right. Ryu tears Terry up like nothing. And to Battousai: Terry's best CC so far, that I've seen, is: 1)Activate CC 2)d.RndH 3)wait 4)d.Fir 5)(Jab)BurnKnuckle 6)Repeat 4 & 5 until you reach the corner 7)Rising Tackle if you have the time... though you mostly will 8)Buster Wolf 9)Rising Tackle The Cannon's did this combo in their vid. If you want to see, you can download the vid. Posted by Iceman on 02:28:2002 09:39 AM: Ok, first off who are the standard top tiers? I'd like to see those first before anything else (sorry, not 100% sold on Viscant and White's 3 month old probably hella-outdated lists). IMO Sagat Blanka Cammy Bison Yamazaki Vega Hibiki Iori and my suprise picks Guile and Eagle. Posted by hyt on 02:28:2002 01:19 PM: Terry CC: 1. c.HK, MP Burn Knuckle, {far s.HP, HP Burn Knuckle} x 2, HP Rising Tackle, c.LP, HP Rising Tackle, Buster Wolf, HP Rising Tackle. 7800 around or a little more. To follow up after a HP Rising Tackle: 2. df+HP, LK Crack Shoot, continue from **. So WHY does Ryu tear up Terry? Posted by FINAL SHOWDOWN on 02:28:2002 01:47 PM: I think terry is good but then again i think alot of characters are pretty good so ahhh well..... Anyway terrys roll is pretty effective still its not as good as it used to be but its still better than most people. One thing IMO that terry is much better this game is poking...terrys poking game in the first was pretty ho-hum i thought. So to make up for the loss of his roll and such he became a much better poker....He has his CD attack from KOF the roundhouse the only diff is well its real fast and you can cancle out of it.....still poking with lots of ducking lks standing lks then roundhouse or standing roundhouse then a ducking roundhouse then a standing roundhosue(just giveing examples)...basicly what im saying is terry has fast pokes.....Standing mk is allright as well but sometimes i feel well if i have about as eqauly fast overhead(in that it goes over sweeps) roundhouse i might as well use that. You can knock people out of rolls with his ducking fierce and if it was early enough or hate late enough well whatever you can link it to a ducking roundhouse....or you can do a ducking mk after it then go into the speacial of your choice.....i think terrry is a real effectice corner trapper as well.....he can just keep you in there and well alot of his moves have a allright recovery time so you can throw them once they land....they real have to work there way out for the most part....i like the crack shot IMO its a pretty good move...good for coner trapping and such.....has ok recovery to so sometimes you can sorta bait the attack after it and hit with a standing or ducking roundhouse or super.....if you can get the jab burn knuckle at a good distance(this is why it works cuz it dosnt happen to often.) were its unpunshible by most common moves you can go into a super out of it when they try to hit you........Terry can follow up the level buster wolf with a level 1 power geyser thats pretty good....and...ummm.....hmmm....well oh yeah his low jump roundhouse is good ....and ahh...well yeah i think A groove terry is pretty good just dont like A groove so i stay away from it and hmm..... well i cant think of anything else besides i gotta start getting ready for work and hide out the door. Posted by Devil Lee on 02:28:2002 04:17 PM: Coming from CvS1 to CvS2, Terry lost... 1) His amazing Now it's a little shorter and a little slower, and can't be abused as much. 2) A decent Power Wave. Terry's ground fireball is slow, and I think he recovers even SLOWER now. Iori's ground fireball is still (arguably) the best ground fireball because of his recovery and Iori's jab Oniyaki will stuff a lot more than Terry can put out. 3) Anti-Air options and Power Dunk. Terry's Power Dunk is pretty worthless now. If you knew the timing in CvS1 it was good, but now it's horrible. Crack Shoot is good for early AA. Jab Rising Tackle still works but not as good as it used to. IMO, these things were the most painful things that happened to Terry users. Terry was pretty high tier-wise in CvS1 but he's moved down a few notches. Iori and Kyo are definetly better than Terry. Posted by Mummy-B on 02:28:2002 04:36 PM: Note that I never said Terry would be top tier. SSF2T, the thing is that you're putting Terry against someone like Blanka, where a majority of characters lose to Blanka, in theory, anyway. In any case, Terry has defasites just like any other character except Sagat because he's perfect, ha. Your incident with the Terry and your Ryo. Something tells me you weren't psychic DPing his Crack Shoots every single time, which means this guy was being predictable. If you owned him that bad with Ryo, it also means that, well, the guy probabaly sucked too. Not that Ryo is bad, but Terry can definately take out a Ryo. To be perfectly honest, I don't have a good win streak in the Terry vs Blanka department since CvS1, you can ask Cylus (luckily, Morrigan was pretty sick so it was all good). However, that doesn't make Terry suck. Hibiki doesn't have a solid wake up outside of a super either, does she suck? Better think about Buktooth's Hibiki before you say anything. And stand mk is a ridiculous poke. Posted by FluffyXXL on 02:28:2002 04:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by Devil Lee Iori and Kyo are definetly better than Terry. What makes Kyo better than Terry? Posted by peetah on 02:28:2002 05:43 PM: hey let's hear that Ryu beats Terry theory... Terry's not gonna jump at ryu... cos terry sucks at jumping... and ryu's not gonna jump at terry... cos terry's got that big damage CC... or if you like... cos the Terry player has a perfect RC powerdunk execution... ummm... yeah... anyways... neither of them is jumping... ryu is hop kicking and throw fireballs... happily poking away... terry is guarding as much as he can... and throwing out a million crack shoots whenever he has the chance... so... how does the story end? Posted by Urotsukidoji on 02:28:2002 05:49 PM: One good thing about Terry in Capcom grooves is that his dash is very fast and can be used to jump over your opponenet when he's knocked down. After a sweep, two quick dashes will usually make you switch sides right as he's getting up(depending on how far away you were when you swept him). The cool thing is that it doesn't even matter if you switch sides or not, because s.HP is always a great option regardless of whether or not you cross him up. Since it hits twice and is so slow, you can always input the super/special while it's hitting, even if you're not on the side you planned on being on. You can seriously confuse your opponent with this, and--as others have pointed out--connecting a s.HP basically guarantees a damaging combo. Posted by hyt on 02:28:2002 05:56 PM: peetah: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA... My two cents on Kyo vs Iori vs Terry: - Iori and Kyo have a good, instant AA that doesn't need meter (compared to Terry at least, not counting RCs) - If Kyo lands a poke, it's a free juggle with qcf+KK for normal damage, super damage and CC damage (with possibility of dizzy) - Kyo is a very close up character and his d+HP in the air has a lot of priority, making it good against some normal AAs. - Kyo however, is useless outside close range. Terry owns Kyo in this sense by pressuring with Power Wave, Burn Knuckle and Crack Shoot. - Iori can do relatively good damage with his bnb combo (which I hear does more than his lvl 1) - Iori negate's Terry's range game with the ground fireball. - Has the option of the command grab, which leads to more damage. - Outside of s.HP => HP Burn Knuckle and c.LK x 3, Buster Wolf, Terry has no other decent combos. His pokes and cancels are mainly for pressuring his opponent. - A-Groove wise, I think it goes Iori, Terry, then Kyo since the command grab is good before / after activation. Kyo's CC is fesable as an AA / counter poke / follow up to the juggle, in which Terry can do very well at preventing Kyo from doing that with the range game. Posted by jreinert13 on 02:28:2002 08:05 PM: Terry has solid rush down. It starts with good pokes, S.Forward, C.Fierce. Then he has sick footies:Quick shorts, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse, S.Roundhouse(amazing). easy combos... Good pressure moves:Jab Burning knuckle, Short Crack shoot, ground fireball, good roll. Whats the problem here? He isnt top tier but he is very solid. Who the fuk said he loses to Ryo?? Posted by GalzPanic on 02:28:2002 08:31 PM: A-terry is tight. The ground CC is so disheartening especically after you do the tackle after the super. The AA CC is tricky though. If you activate against a high jumper, you have to use roundhouse crackshoot after the d/f fierce to catch them. It's still a perfect AA CC so I love TERRY! Posted by FluffyXXL on 03:01:2002 06:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by hyt peetah: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA... My two cents on Kyo vs Iori vs Terry: - Iori and Kyo have a good, instant AA that doesn't need meter (compared to Terry at least, not counting RCs) - If Kyo lands a poke, it's a free juggle with qcf+KK for normal damage, super damage and CC damage (with possibility of dizzy) - Kyo is a very close up character and his d+HP in the air has a lot of priority, making it good against some normal AAs. - Kyo however, is useless outside close range. Terry owns Kyo in this sense by pressuring with Power Wave, Burn Knuckle and Crack Shoot. - Iori can do relatively good damage with his bnb combo (which I hear does more than his lvl 1) - Iori negate's Terry's range game with the ground fireball. - Has the option of the command grab, which leads to more damage. - Outside of s.HP => HP Burn Knuckle and c.LK x 3, Buster Wolf, Terry has no other decent combos. His pokes and cancels are mainly for pressuring his opponent. - A-Groove wise, I think it goes Iori, Terry, then Kyo since the command grab is good before / after activation. Kyo's CC is fesable as an AA / counter poke / follow up to the juggle, in which Terry can do very well at preventing Kyo from doing that with the range game. Random comments -Kyo DP is nowhere near as useful as the Jesus DP that Iori has. -I've never seen Kyo combo QCF+KK off of a poke. the only strength you'll land is Short, and you can't combo off of that, unless you're playing A-groove and are hitting your opponent into the corner. As much as people say Terry is garbage because of what he lost, I don't see it. He lost invincibility on power dunk. So what? Every other character outside of Iori lost invinciblity too. His fireball is slower. Isn't a slow fireball good in this game? The only thing he really lost was C.Roundhouse. It's slightly less range and a bit slower I think. But, he gained C.Strong, C.Forward (both cancellable into crack shoot) new anti-sweep S.Roundhouse (not that great, but useful) and a new far S.Fierce (again, not that useful). C.forward XX crack shoot is too good IMO, especailly since most of the time if people roll, you can throw them. His C.Short and S.Short are still good. I'm not saying Terry is the best in the game. I definitely have problems in certain matches, like against sagat and blanka. Aside from CC a poke, he can't do too much in fights like that. But most people complain that "terry lost good power dunk, he sucks now" and in all reality, everyone lost good anti-air. Some jump-in attacks are just better than DPs now, so PD or not they'll be good. Posted by SSF2T on 03:01:2002 08:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mummy-B Note that I never said Terry would be top tier. SSF2T, the thing is that you're putting Terry against someone like Blanka, where a majority of characters lose to Blanka, in theory, anyway. In any case, Terry has defasites just like any other character except Sagat because he's perfect, ha. Majority of the time you battle in a tournament, that is what you will be facing, and this is a down fall. I know you never said he would ever be TT. That thing after your quote, was in general. Not towards you. quote: Your incident with the Terry and your Ryo. Something tells me you weren't psychic DPing his Crack Shoots every single time, which means this guy was being predictable. If you owned him that bad with Ryo, it also means that, well, the guy probabaly sucked too. Not that Ryo is bad, but Terry can definately take out a Ryo. I should have been more specific. I don't ever do a DP against a CrackShot, takes to much time to pull off, which gives Terry the time to hit me. When I said Uppercut, I ment ducking Fierce. I did it after he did the CrackShoot/Shot. So that's means one of two things... a) Terry's very slow b) The CrackShoot/Shot is CRAP! c) Ok... maybe three, Ryo has a really, Really, REALLY fast uppercut/d.Fir quote: To be perfectly honest, I don't have a good win streak in the Terry vs Blanka department since CvS1, you can ask Cylus (luckily, Morrigan was pretty sick so it was all good). However, that doesn't make Terry suck. Hibiki doesn't have a solid wake up outside of a super either, does she suck? Better think about Buktooth's Hibiki before you say anything. And stand mk is a ridiculous poke. Hibiki... umm... I was about to say something, but since you said that... where do I find a Buktooth vid on Hibiki? Posted by cheese_master on 03:01:2002 08:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by FluffyXXL Random comments -Kyo DP is nowhere near as useful as the Jesus DP that Iori has. -I've never seen Kyo combo QCF+KK off of a poke. the only strength you'll land is Short, and you can't combo off of that, unless you're playing A-groove and are hitting your opponent into the corner. As much as people say Terry is garbage because of what he lost, I don't see it. He lost invincibility on power dunk. So what? Every other character outside of Iori lost invinciblity too. His fireball is slower. Isn't a slow fireball good in this game? The only thing he really lost was C.Roundhouse. It's slightly less range and a bit slower I think. But, he gained C.Strong, C.Forward (both cancellable into crack shoot) new anti-sweep S.Roundhouse (not that great, but useful) and a new far S.Fierce (again, not that useful). C.forward XX crack shoot is too good IMO, especailly since most of the time if people roll, you can throw them. His C.Short and S.Short are still good. I'm not saying Terry is the best in the game. I definitely have problems in certain matches, like against sagat and blanka. Aside from CC a poke, he can't do too much in fights like that. But most people complain that "terry lost good power dunk, he sucks now" and in all reality, everyone lost good anti-air. Some jump-in attacks are just better than DPs now, so PD or not they'll be good. Couple notes... -Kyo's DP is slower than Iori, but nonetheless it AAs, and doesn't get beat out if timed right. Kyo has better AA options than Terry does w/ cr FP, DP, and st MK. -Off of cr short, Kyo can do easily 3000 damage, w/o any levels of a super. Off of cr short somewhat near the corner... Kyo can easily do 9000 damage w/ a lvl3 in any groove cept A. Off of crouching short, Terry can only get 1100 damage w/o a super. W/ a lvl3, in C groove (only) he can get roughly 8500ish damage. -Kyo's roll sucks ass. Terry's roll is decent. -Kyo's air to air and air to ground is one of the best in the game. Terry is not good in either of those respects. -Terry can zone, Kyo cannot. -IMO Kyo and Terry have equal good pokes. -Cr MK, crackshoot can easily be stopped. -Kyo has a cross up (ambiguous too), Terry doesn't have one. -Terry has FB, Kyo doesn't. As far as comparing Kyo, Terry, Iori. Here goes: C groove: Kyo, Iori, Terry A groove: Iori, Terry, Kyo P groove: Kyo, Terry, Iori S groove: Iori, Terry, Kyo N groove: Kyo, Iori, Terry K groove: Kyo, Terry, Iori Those are my thoughts... IMO Iori's best incarnation is A groove. Kyo's is C groove or N groove. Terry's best is A groove. A groove Iori is ALOT better than any Kyo or Terry or other Ioris. Posted by Kaiogotenks on 03:01:2002 03:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by Urotsukidoji Dude, this is true for any character(and why can't she jump?). It's not that Hibiki can't jump, it's the fact that Terry's jab Burning Knunckle is shorter than the invinciblity that you get on the RC. And not everybody has a move that is shorter than the invinciblity on an RC. In the case that Hibiki does jump, then Terry is safe by the time she lands again. Posted by ViEtBoi on 03:02:2002 01:19 AM: Terry is really good. With his He is very good with combos and is good with every groove. Posted by Mummy-B on 03:02:2002 08:53 PM: SSF2T - Actually, you probably didn't know that just about anyone's standing jab will beat out a Crack Shoot since CvS1, just like how you could standing jab Nakoruru out of her Dive Slash in CvS1. It also really depends on what strength he's using, etc. But naturally, it's no perfect move and is only supposed to be used strategically. I maintain that the person you were playing sucks. Not so much Terry. Because it's rarely ever that I even get jabbed or DPed out of my Crack Shots because I'm hardly predictable with them, nor do I leave myself very open either. And actually, Terry *does* have a cross up, it's either or fk, I forgot, but I don't think it really counts because I think you'll actually connect it like 1 out of 7 times or something like that. He got it from CvS Pro where his kind of crossed up sometimes. It's wierd. But it doesn't change his game any since you can't really use it so whatever. (EDIT: this one is misplaced, it's directed at cheese_master) And I don't actually know where you can find matches of Buktooth's Hibiki... My friend had one once with him against I think Valle, but that was more a showcase of Morrigan than Hibiki. Posted by redwiz on 03:03:2002 03:31 AM: It's on Evil Gill's ftp server. Filename is vallevscampbellbig.WMV Like Mummy-B says, this match is mainly about Morrigan. Posted by KyBadGuy on 03:03:2002 05:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kaiogotenks Terry OWNS Hibiki!!! RC Jab Burning Knuckle at poke distance and she can't do anything. Wonder where you got the idea that Terry owns Hibiki? Anyone VS Hibiki=A very tough time with the exception of maybe, Bison. And can someone tell me where I can d/l that Buk Hibiki vid please. Posted by SacTown_Boi on 03:03:2002 06:48 AM: I was just reading through and it seems that you guys are mad because his PD was toned alot. **RC** solves that. Sstz2 mention that, but the rest of sstz2 reason on terry is not true. hehe. RC will solve that. I just need a freakin mas stick, so i can do the RC on it, because it is kind of hard doing it on my dreamcast controller. Posted by SSF2T on 03:03:2002 09:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mummy-B SSF2T - Actually, you probably didn't know that just about anyone's standing jab will beat out a Crack Shoot since CvS1, just like how you could standing jab Nakoruru out of her Dive Slash in CvS1. It also really depends on what strength he's using, etc. But naturally, it's no perfect move and is only supposed to be used strategically. I maintain that the person you were playing sucks. Not so much Terry. Because it's rarely ever that I even get jabbed or DPed out of my Crack Shots because I'm hardly predictable with them, nor do I leave myself very open either. Yeah... I knew that. Also, Nakaruru can d.RndH Terry out of it. Sounds stupid, but it's so true. It's not wheather you are un-predictable with it or not, this that... it's so slow, it's almost useless. In '95, it was super fast, so fast that you can combo it into a Corner Trap. Now, as the game gets older, the moves becomes slower. And Terry can't juggle with his CrackShoot/Shot like he does in the KOF'96+. And it hits multi times. Can't Capcom get that through their skulls. The problem about Terry is that all his attacks have been toned down so much, that he's almost useless. If his PowerDunk had it's CvS invincibility, then I would have said he's OK. But it doesn't, so... he's CRAP! Posted by BoBO tHE sTrANgE on 03:04:2002 05:48 AM: OK terry has 2 usefull RCs, the crackshhot and the powerdunk. First of all RCing a powerdunk doesnt give terry any help in the wake up department but it does give him great a pychic dp. Personally that helps me the most because now I have another way to get a knockdown and stop crap like sagats ducking FP. RCing the crackshoot makes it one of the best pressure moves he has when he cant be DPed or jabed out of it. Posted by SSF2T on 03:05:2002 08:27 AM: Umm... you can't just rely on RCing, because if that was true. Dan would have been Top Tier by now. Because you can RC anything... well... almost anything, and win. So now Dan will be the next Top Tier, 100%. I GUARANTEE IT! It's like that, if you put RCing it. You can't just rely on one thing. You must have other things back your character up, or else you get knocked back into the pail of lower tiers. Blanka and Sagat doesn't need RCing to take out characters, that's what makes them TTs. Posted by capshuma on 03:05:2002 06:36 PM: There seem to be a lot of things missing from this thread that I think I should address here. First of all terry does have the potential to be a lite character especially in a-groove due to the high versatility of his CC. Terry does have anti air options one just has to know how and when to use them effectively, such as: Low fierce: similar in nature to that of bison's though not as much priority but yet seems to have a tad more priority as an AA than sagat's. Beats and trades with a number of jump ins but obviously cannot be 100% reliable against certain characters. (ex: terry low fierce pretty much owns zangief while on the other hand raiden jumping short stuffs it.) strong/fierce rising tackle: It's interesting that I haven't seen anyone mention this at all. While jab rising tackle trades as an anti air a well timed strong/fierce rising tackle has tons of invincibility. Although not as effective against high jumpers like say beni and athena low jumpers such as yama and ryo will find it a tad more risky to jump in on a capable terry player. RH crackshoot: Although mostly utilized within a mid range zoning pattern this move is good to throw out once in a while if one anticipates a jump in. It doesn't necessarily have to be done extremely early either unless your opponents character has a high priority air to air move such as chun li's or nak's jumping shorts. Powerdunk is pretty much worthless unless RCing is involved but even that's a bit too risky in tourney play. Low RH is still very good, maybe less range than CvS but there might be a reason for that, standing fwd. This is one of terry's primary pokes and can be the equalizer in several matchups including against blanka. Throw in some low fierces, standing shorts and well placed crackshoots (I prefer the short version from the right distance) and you'll have a very effective ground game going. The only time one should throw out a powa wave is at an extreme distance unless in certain situations against certain characters who have certain level 3 supers or after a knockdown to setup various terry rushdown patterns. Otherwise stick with his ground game and build up that meter. I think his best groove overall is A simply because when maxed he becomes twice as much of a threat on the ground as well as against jump in attacks. Also because his level one supers are actually quite useful. Level 1 busta wolf still has juggle potential anywhere and can also be followed up with a level 1 powa geysa for some decent damage. SS2T: Kid I think you need to practice a bit and obtain a lil more experience against high level comp before coming to such a conclusion, especially in regards to terry. Posted by SOM D on 03:06:2002 12:03 AM: Terry is my main character, beside the fact that he's one of the coolest character designs ever, I think that he's just a really solid player. As Mummy-B and Capshuma have already expertly described his various differences from cvs1 and his current strats, I'll just add to them. First off Terry has alot of combos that are safe even if blocked, do good guard damage, and leave him in a good position to keep up the pressure or block then counter when they try to retaliate. Second, I don't think anyone mentioned his three hit standing fierce. TERRY HAS A THREE HIT STANDING FIERCE!!!that cancels, how can anyone say he sucks. The third hit only hits smaller characters in the corner, but if blocked it can be done anywhere on anyone. Plus when you cancel it into the crack shoot, it gives you a mean pressure game. Next, Terry's got some really good links if you got the timing to pull them off. I can link into st.fp(two hit), into, Also Terry's lv1 buster wolf is even better than his cvs1 version, it cancels off any move except cr.fp and you get free hit after it every time. I don't think anyone has a more versatile or damaging lv1 than that. Anyway, I just wanted to add my 2 cents into the mix, cuz terry is may fav. He can be extremely deadly in the right hands and is definitely capable of taking out any opponent. Terry is still a top contender, but dont' take my word for it,come to march madness2 in philly and I'll show you. To SSF2T: I can understand why you like kof terry better, but CVS2 is not kof its street fighter and CVs terry is capcom terry not snk terry. He's different, but just as effective. To say Terry is crap, just because you beat some scrub using him is crap. I have proven success using terry against top level players using top level characters. CVS2 Terry in A groove is a beast. Posted by SSF2T on 03:06:2002 08:14 AM: It doesn't really matter, I don't really play Terry in KOF nor CvS. I play the AOFs. By watching, and experimenting, I find that Terry is not what he use to be. Even in the KOF, he's gotten worst. If you put a '95 vs a '96+, the '95 will tear every single one of them up. But that's a different topic... anyways. The only time I ever play Terry in this game, is when I'm bored, and decide to play "SNK Super Star Team." In S-Groove of Course. The team consists of Terry, Kyo, Ryo. I sometimes mix Terry and Kyo around. In S-Groove, I say Terry is at his best. In Desperate Mode, you have the ability to do massive damaging combos. And finally have a decent AA. And if they don't have a decent AA, you can BW all over the screen. And if you miss, pull off a RT to cover your back. If... mostly likely though, if they try to attack you, at close range. His Dodge BodyToss, is his BodyToss. It's far, and can't be tripped... or atleast I don't think so. Terry is not too bad in a Mid-Tier Battle, be verse Tops, and you are going to go nowhere. Posted by D-side on 03:06:2002 09:05 PM: S-Groove Terry I think it's weird how the makers of the game made terry have so much juggle potential just of his damn level one. Ah so many things are poosible to juggle from a level 1 busta wolf... this is why i think S-groove is the best groove for terry. Posted by SacTown_Boi on 03:06:2002 11:35 PM: Re: S-Groove Terry quote: Originally posted by D-side I think it's weird how the makers of the game made terry have so much juggle potential just of his damn level one. Ah so many things are poosible to juggle from a level 1 busta wolf... this is why i think S-groove is the best groove for terry. They made the bustawolf juggle because they want it to be more fun for terry players, btw the bustawolf is only worth a fierce punch. It is very weak. you're right, sgroove is good with terry bcause of infinies and when you dodge and just combo it Posted by D-side on 03:11:2002 06:39 PM: It's true , when i checked the power that the busta wolf took off it is pretty weak, but when i used that on my friend and trapped him in the corner combo from lk,lk,lk bustawolf into his raising tackle, and i faked him out and did it again not only did his power go down a whole lot but it really messed up his mind game. Posted by Rugal 3:16 on 03:19:2002 07:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by SSF2T Even in the KOF, he's gotten worst. If you put a '95 vs a '96+, the '95 will tear every single one of them up. But that's a different topic... anyways. Terry 97 was the Best (sagat-like to CvS2) in the game because of insane juggle set-ups and high damaging combos, super and no super.. and that's even excluding the infinites. All times are GMT. The time now is 11:36 PM. Show all 56 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.